Osnovne informacije
Šifra proizvoda: | tam61604 |
Težina | 0.13 kg |
Ean: | 4950344616046 |
Skala | 1:100 |
Dodano je u katalog: | 30.3.2006 |
Tagovi | Me-163 Messerschmitt-Me-262 |
Proizvođač | Tamiya Tamiya, INC 3-7 Ondawara 422-8610 Suruga-Ku, Shizuoka Japan |
Odgovorni subjekt | HIT-BIS Spółka z o.o. Zwycięzców 6A/4 03-941 Warszawa Poljska |
Me262A to pierwszy na swiecie samolot turboodrzutowy a jego test odbyl sie w lipcu 1942r. Ze wzgledu na bombardowania fabryk niemieckich przesunieto jego seryjna produkcje na rok 1943 i Hitler domagal sie aby byl to mysliwiec bombardujacy. Samoloty tego typu sialy postrach w szeregach bombowcow alianckich, ale duza ilosc Me262 zostala zniszczona na ziemi podczas bombardowañ. Wyprodukowano ponad 1400 sztuk tego samolotu, ale mniej niz 300 wzielo udzial w walkach ze wzgledu na braki paliwa, braki pilotow przeszkolonych do obslugi tych maszyn, nidostatek czesci zamiennych, oraz oczekiwanie na przemodelowanie na bombowce.
Me163B Komet to tzw. "Sekretna Broñ" III Rzeszy. Pierwszy loto prototypu odbyl sie w sierpniu 1941r. gdzie osiagnal on predkosc 1004km/h. Samoloty te zaprojektowano jako mysliwce przechwytujace przeciw bombowcom B17 i uzbrojono w dwa dzialka Mk108. Samoloty tego typu byly bardzo niebezpieczne podzczas lotow ze wzgledu na duza szybkosc i niestabilnosc a takze na samozaplon paliwa.
The Messerschmitt Me-163 Komet is a German rocket-powered fighter in a tailless mid-wing system with oblique wings and a mixed design. The flight of the prototype took place on February 13, 1941, but the entry into the line units took place only in 1944. The beginnings of the Me-163 date back to gliders and tailless airplanes constructed by prof. Lippisch, and especially DFS-194. It was this design that formed the basis of the Me-163A. The first flight of this machine with a rocket engine took place in 1941, and the engine was Walter HWK R.II. The following years are the time of trials and tests with a revolutionary design and the same drive. A new engine was also used - Walter HWK 109-509B-1. The first unit to fly the Me-163 was the 16th Experimental Unit, and shortly thereafter also the Group from the Jagdgeschwader 400. Their task was to develop tactics and undergo training on new machines. The first combat use took place in July 1944. Until the end of the war, these machines were used as fighters to intercept Allied bombers. In total, there were about 280 aircraft of this type in the line. The Me-163 was undoubtedly a revolutionary machine - the new propulsion and unusual shape made it a very characteristic aircraft with a considerable maximum speed, exceeding the performance of allied aircraft. However, it should be remembered that it was difficult to pilot, after landing it was completely defenseless and could operate rather from paved runways. In addition, the fuel mixture tended to self-ignite. One should also remember about the dramatically short range, which effectively limited its combat use. Technical data (version Me-163B): length: 5.98m, wingspan: 9.33m, height: 2.75m, maximum speed: 959km / h, rate of climb: 160m / s, maximum range: 100km, maximum ceiling 12,100m , armament: fixed - two 30mm MK108 cannons.The Messerschmitt Me-262A Schwalbe (German: swallow) is a German twin-engine fighter-bomber with a metal structure in a low wing configuration. The Me-262 was the first combat jet in the history of aviation. The first flight with piston engines took place in 1941, and with turbojet engines on July 18, 1942. The first design of the airframe, designated P.1065, was presented in 1939 and, surprisingly, differed significantly from the final version. It was quickly decided to use oblique wings and test the airframe in flight with piston engines (Jumo210), which was successfully completed in 1941. As a result of problems with the target power unit (BMW003 engine), the first jet flight on the Me-262 took place with Junkers Jumo004 engines. Interestingly, the Me-262 was structurally ready for serial production at the end of 1942. However, his entry into the line was significantly delayed. Firstly, due to material deficiencies (especially tungsten and chrome deficiencies), which forced technological changes, secondly, because of the failure of the BMW003 engines, and third, because of Hitler's resistance to the Me-262 being a fast bomber, not a fighter. As a result of all factors, the plane entered the line only in 1944! Given the already overwhelming advantage of the Allies in the air, the shortage of fuel and trained crews of the Me-262 could not have had a major impact on the course of the war. Undoubtedly, it was technologically superior to enemy aircraft, and the loss ratio was 1: 9 in favor of the Me-262. A total of about 1,400 machines were built, but only about 300 entered service. Several development versions of this revolutionary aircraft were created: a bomber (A-2a), reconnaissance (A-1a / U3 and A-4a), day fighter (A-1a) and night fighter (B-1a / U1). Technical data (version Me-262A-1a): length: 10.6m, wingspan: 12.6m, height: 3.5m, maximum speed: 900km / h, speed of climb: 20m / s, maximum range: 1050km, ceiling maximum 11450m, armament: fixed - 4 30mm MK108 cannons, underslung - 24 R4M rockets, 55mm caliber, up to 1000 kg of bombs.
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