
Dragon 6194 Panzergrenadiers Wiking Division (Hungary 1945)

Panzergrenadiers Wiking Division (Hungary 1945) - Image 1
Skala: 1:35
Proizvođač: Dragon
Šifra proizvoda: dra6194
Trenutna dostupnost: nedostupan
Posljednji put bio je dostupan: 9.12.2020
€13.08 ili 8300 bod.

Uključen 25% PDV
za isporuku u zemlji: Hrvatska
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Osnovne informacije

Šifra proizvoda:dra6194
Težina0.12 kg
Dodano je u katalog:30.10.2004
TagoviGerman-5th-SS-Division-Viking German-World-War-II-Panzergrenadier
Odgovorni subjektHobby Pro Marketing Ges. m.b.H Am Leonardbach 7 A-8010 Graz Austrija

Panzer Division (initially Motorized) SS Wiking (Ger. 5. SS-Panzerdivision "Wiking" ) is the name of a German tactical association that was part of the Waffen SS from the Second World War. The unit was formed in mid 1940 on the basis of the SS-Standarte Germania regiment. Its first commander was Feliks Steiner. The division was formed not only of Germans, but also volunteers from countries such as Denmark, Estonia, Finland and Norway. The origin of its soldiers, mainly from northern Europe, could also explain its name. The division began its combat route by taking part in Operation Barbarossa of 1941, when it fought in the Army Group South in Ukraine, where it reaches the Don and Mius rivers. In 1942, the division continued to fight in the south of the USSR, carrying out the so-called Fall Blau. At the end of this year, the unit took part in an operation aimed at capturing Grozny in Chechnya, but was completely defeated. At the end of 1942, the Viking SS Division managed to withdraw from the Caucasus. In 1943, he successfully fought at Kharkiv and participated in the Battle of Kursk, and later in repelling the Soviet counter-offensive. In 1944, she took part in anti-partisan activities in Poland and fought with the Red Army in the Warsaw region. At the beginning of 1945, the division fought in Hungary and ended its combat route in Austria by surrendering to the Allied forces. The soldiers of the division during the fighting on the Eastern Front committed numerous war crimes and participated in the crime of genocide committed against the Jewish population.

Panzergrenadier is a German term for a formation of panzer grenadiers, i.e. infantry units trained to fight in close cooperation with their own tanks. This term was officially used in 1942, when infantry divisions were renamed grenadier divisions and motorized infantry divisions into panzer grenadier divisions. It is worth adding that in the years 1937-1942, the Schützen Regiment was used to describe the infantry regiments serving in armored units. Theoretically, the basic equipment of armored grenadier divisions was to be armored half-tracked transporters, especially Sd.Kfz.251, but due to insufficient production, these infantry were often transported by trucks. As a standard, an armored grenadier division consisted of three infantry regiments, two battalions in each regiment and numerous support units, including anti-tank, anti-aircraft, sapper and communication units. Self-propelled guns, such as the StuG III, were often used in these formations. It is worth adding that the armored grenadier divisions were formed not only in the Wehrmacht, but also in the Waffen SS - for example the Totenkopf Division or the Hohenstaufen Division.

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Osnovne informacije

Odgovorni subjektHobby Pro Marketing Ges. m.b.H Am Leonardbach 7 A-8010 Graz Austrija

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Dodano je u katalog: 30.10.2004
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Dostupnost: dostupan!

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Slični proizvodi

Skala: 1:35
Proizvođač: Dragon
Šifra proizvoda: dra6110
Dostupnost: dostupan!

€13.82 ili 8800 bod.

Skala: 1:35
Proizvođač: Dragon
Šifra proizvoda: dra6003
Dostupnost: dostupan!

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Skala: 1:35
Proizvođač: Ardennes Miniature
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Dostupnost: dostupan!

Najniža cijena: €40.32 ili 25700 bod.


Skala: 1:35
Proizvođač: Peddinghaus-Decals
Šifra proizvoda: PED35W033
Dostupnost: dostupan!

Najniža cijena: €13.85 ili 8800 bod.


Skala: 1:35
Proizvođač: Peddinghaus-Decals
Šifra proizvoda: PED35W035
Dostupnost: dostupan!

Najniža cijena: €13.85 ili 8800 bod.


Skala: 1:35
Proizvođač: Peddinghaus-Decals
Šifra proizvoda: PED35W032
Dostupnost: dostupan!

Najniža cijena: €13.85 ili 8800 bod.