
Dragon 1010 U.S.S. Hampton

U.S.S. Hampton - Image 1
Skala: 1:350
Proizvođač: Dragon
Šifra proizvoda: dra1010
Trenutna dostupnost: nedostupan
€16.32 ili 10400 bod.

Uključen 25% PDV
za isporuku u zemlji: Hrvatska
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Osnovne informacije

Šifra proizvoda:dra1010
Dodano je u katalog:30.10.2004
Odgovorni subjektHobby Pro Marketing Ges. m.b.H Am Leonardbach 7 A-8010 Graz Austrija

The USS Hampton (SSN-767) is an American nuclear powered fighter submarine (SSN). The keel for this unit was laid in 1990, the launch took place in April 1992, and the commissioning of the US Navy took place in July 1993. The length of the ship at the time of launching was 110.3 m, width 10 m, and the underwater displacement - approx. 7,000 tons. The maximum underwater speed is approx. 31-32 knots. The unit is equipped with four 533 mm torpedo tubes and twelve vertical Tomahawk rocket launchers.

USS Hampton (SSN-767) is one of the Los Angeles class ships, belonging to the so-called Improved (Los Angeles Improved) subtype. Compared to standard ships of this class, units of this sub-type are distinguished by having vertical Tomahawk missile launchers located in the bow, they had more effective propulsion and are much better soundproofed. The last two elements significantly increased the tactical speed of units of this sub-type. One of the representatives of this subtype is the USS Hampton, which was built at Newport News Shipbuilding in Newport News, Virginia. The vessel conquered the North Pole in 2004, and three years later the vessel was ferry from the Atlantic to the Pacific, with a San Diego base as the home port. At the turn of 2008 and 2009, the USS Hampton visited the ports of Yokosuka, Guam and Singapore. He also took part in exercises with the fleet of the latter country. In 2011, the unit paid a courtesy visit to Hong Kong. The USS Hampton is still in active service.

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Osnovne informacije

Odgovorni subjektHobby Pro Marketing Ges. m.b.H Am Leonardbach 7 A-8010 Graz Austrija

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Dodano je u katalog: 30.10.2004
Trenutna dostupnost: nedostupan
  • proizvod je dostupan
  • proizvod nije dostupan
  • proizvod je dostupan po narudžbi
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  • nema
  • 1 komad
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  • 3-5 komada
  • 6-10 komada
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Skala: 1:350
Proizvođač: Artwox
Šifra proizvoda: AWX-AW60016
Dostupnost: dostupan!

€7.98 ili 5100 bod.


Proizvođač: Part
Šifra proizvoda: PRT-X032
Dostupnost: dostupan!

Najniža cijena: €5.40 ili 3400 bod.


Proizvođač: Part
Šifra proizvoda: PRT-X022
Dostupnost: dostupan!

Najniža cijena: €5.40 ili 3400 bod.


Skala: 1:350
Proizvođač: Eduard
Šifra proizvoda: edu99027
Dostupnost: dostupan!

Najniža cijena: €18.37 ili 11400 bod.

Proizvođač: Part
Šifra proizvoda: PRT-X002
Dostupnost: dostupan!

€6.94 ili 4400 bod.

Skala: 1:350
Proizvođač: Aber
Šifra proizvoda: abe1-350-01
Dostupnost: dostupan!

€9.68 ili 6200 bod.

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Dostupnost: dostupan!

€6.94 ili 4400 bod.

Skala: 1:350
Proizvođač: Aber
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Dostupnost: dostupan!

€9.68 ili 6200 bod.

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€4.28 ili 2700 bod.

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€6.94 ili 4400 bod.

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Dostupnost: dostupan!

€6.94 ili 4400 bod.